
Download the App

Associate your account to one or more cards with a barcode

Collect points and linked benefits


View point of sales near you and their active deals.

Choose the ones you are interested in and start collecting points!!


Would you like to manage your own initiative? Become a provider! Create your own personalised offer on OneCard and post it to your contact network. You will then be able to monitor joiners to your OneCard Provider profile.
This is an example to show how easy it can be: you are a PR Manager and would like to invite your contacts to an event. Post the initiative on Facebook with the name of the offer for which you want your contacts to join in. Participants will only need to show their code on their smartphone (or any card with a barcode recorded within OneCardLife echo-system) to access the event. Easy and transparent.

Would you like to manage your own initiative? Become a provider! Create your own personalised offer on OneCard and post it to your contact network. You will then be able to monitor joiners to your OneCard Provider profile.
This is an example to show how easy it can be: you are a PR Manager and would like to invite your contacts to an event. Post the initiative on Facebook with the name of the offer for which you want your contacts to join in. Participants will only need to show their code on their smartphone (or any card with a barcode recorded within OneCardLife echo-system) to access the event. Easy and transparent.


Your personal QrCode generated by the app replaces ALL loyalty cards for services and shops that have joined the OneCard network.
But there’s much more!
With the PAIR function inside the app, you can associate with your OneCard account ANY card with a bar code and use it in ANY shop that has joined the circuit.